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DIY: Treat Yourself!

Hey! So today, I will post some recipes I have been using on my face recently. So let's start!

What You Need:
--> 1/2 Lemon
--> 1/2 tablespoon sugar

What you wanna do with this mixture is squeezing the lemon on a cotton ball/pad and then adding some sugar. You can add more sugar as you go as well. You will just go around and cleanse your face with it. This mixture will help get rid of the dead skin on your face and also lighten it. Of course you wanna do this on a makeup-free face :)

What You Need:
--> Your regular moisturizer
--> Johnson's Baby Oil

You're just gonna mix a dime size amount of the baby oil with your moisturizer to get that healthy shine back on your face. And guess what?? This is what Jessica Alba uses to get the healthy glow on her face as well!

I hope you'll like these DIY Face Treatments as much as I do!
Thanks for reading!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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