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Windy Weather, Stuck in House... What To Do?

Hey! So I was thinking about doing a review on the Naked/Naked 2 from Urban Decay today but the weather here was so windy, I thought I'd share my ideas on how to keep it fun when you're stuck in the house because of the cold weather. Now, I wasn't really stuck in the house for a long time, I actually went to see Titanic 3D which was pretty amazing but I have had my days stuck in the house which turned out to be fun with these ideas/things:

--> Just grab a book and go to your bed, there is nothing relaxing than just lying on bed and focusing on the book that you're reading! Especially when it's a book that you love (e.g. The Hunger Games)!
--> When I don't have anything to do, I usually watch Youtube! I can easily say that I watch Youtube more that TV now, guess I'm addicted! :D But you can always find new people/channels that you might end up loving! I recommend Shane Dawson or Sawyer Hartman if you're into comedy or if you're just a beauty girl, check out NikkiPhilippi or FleurDeForce (considering that you know Elle&Blair ;)
--> Again, this is a Youtube idea but, there are hundreds of videos on homemade masks that can be really fun! I love doing homemade masks and I just feel like I've given an extra point for my skin to feel better that day if that makes sense :D
--> If your room is messy, there's no better time to clean that up! Last year, I probably had the messiest room in the world but this year, I can't stand my room being messy, I don't know what has gone into me :D It makes me happy to see everything organized and in the place where it's supposed to be!
--> Speaking of rooms, have you ever tried decorating your room with the stuff that you already have? I had a couple of empty perfume bottles that were waiting to be thrown away but I'm currently using them as my room decor!

Hope you liked my ideas, even if you don't feel like doing anything, just get in your PJs and sleep! Have a nice day! / Goodnight! / Good morning!

And here's a pic of today's windy yellow weather from my school! Just FYI, I didn't do any editing on the photo, haha :D

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